BAC to be Featured on Inside the Blueprint Airing on Fox Business Network

DICIEMBRE 10, 2018

BAC to be Featured on Inside the Blueprint Airing on Fox Business Network

Baltimore, MD (Diciembre 10, 2018) -

Baltimore Aircoil Company (BAC) will be featured in an upcoming episode of Inside the Blueprint airing on Fox Business. The segment will review how BAC’s customer-fueled innovation processes produced a revolutionary new product – the Nexus® Modular Hybrid Cooler.

The episode is scheduled to air Sunday, December 16th on Fox Business at 5:00 PM EST/PST, 4pm Central, and 3pm Mountain. Check your local listings for more details. Inside the Blueprint is a fast-paced series that takes a sweeping look at innovations in the commercial construction and design space, chronicling ideas and products that impact how we live, work and play. Make sure to tune in this Sunday!

December 17, 2018 Update: Click here to watch the segment!