Sustainable Data Center Cooling Case Study

APRIL 25, 2024

Sustainable Data Center Cooling Case Study

Baltimore, MD (April 25, 2024) -

In many data centers, water-cooled chillers are paired with an open or closed- circuit cooling tower for heat rejection. Other options include dry coolers, hybrid fluid coolers and adiabatic fluid coolers. It is beneficial to evaluate all heat rejection options to optimize energy and water consumption. BAC was approached by a high-performance computing customer with 160MW operating power to provide a more sustainable cooling solution. They had previously used open cooling towers with water-cooled chillers. BAC worked with the customer to understand their major challenges and needs. The following were identified as critical priorities:

  • Minimize water usage while balancing energy consumption to support customer sustainability efforts
  • Provide cooling for an increasing heat load in a smaller footprint
  • Meet system water temperature requirements without chillers at high loads and varying outside conditions

Read the full case study to learn more about how the HXV hybrid cooler met this data center customer's needs.

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